Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dr. Matt Ray Presentation

1. Describe your observation of the common liquid in which he started his talk.

From what I observed from his PowerPoint, I learned that the water molecules in milk interact with the milk molecules in such a way that they deform the milk molecules when they collide with each other.

2. Dr. Ray explain two ways in which keep small particles from sticking to themselves and aggregating in to large masses. He explained that the surface area of these particles is important to maintain to feel the benefits of the nanosize. Explain those two methods that he described.

Charge stabilization
If I remember correctly, Dr. Ray referred to a school fight were one particle would as the ring of people in the first row. As more layers of ions were attracted to each other (more people), the outer layer of ions became less and less attracted to the particle (fight); until finally, the ions were so far out where they couldn’t “see” the particle. I believe this concept is called an Electrical double layer.

[Source from:]
Steric stabilization
            Again if I remember correctly, Dr. Ray used the dog on a leash theory where one dog would have the freedom of running around in a full circle, whereas the other dog would only have enough space to run around in a semi-circle fashion. The purpose of this connection was to show how using certain polymers, they can prevent other particles from attaching to each other. Going back to the example, the dog that only had the semi-circle to run around acted like the polymer in a way that the dog only had a limited area where it could bounce around and “attach” to something else.

[Source from:

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